Pets and humans are living longer now days. In the past fifty years the life span of a dog has nearly doubled. By the time a dog and his family celebrate his first birthday, life expectancy will reach about 14 years, depending on the breed.
Older dogs are the perfect choice for someone who never had a dog in the past and also a perfect source of love, attention and distraction for family who have lost a pet. Mature, healthy dogs are extremely tolerant with the young, whether they are human or canine. Older dogs can adapt faster to a new home, and as a matter of fact, people who adapt an older dog coming from a rescue organization are very grateful for the peaceful transition.

One of the benefits in adopting an older dog is there are few surprises. They are fully grown, their colors and coat are not going to change. They are not likely but still can be chasers, chewers, foragers or howlers. You can acquire this information from the person they came from and prepare accordingly.
Depending on the breed, dogs are considered old after a few years. But this does not mean that they are not vital able-bodied companions. An old dog can’t learn new tricks. If you have a plan on adopting an older dog consider attending dog obedience classes or ask a trainer. You will find out that classes are full of older dogs. Older dogs are often the most wanting, the most attentive because they always want to please their new owners.
Pet parents and animal lovers take better care of their pets from the moment they are born or are adopted. Through increased knowledge, improved pet care products and advanced medical technology, we are able to enjoy our pets even longer than ever before.
The reason for not choosing to adopt an older dog may be the expensive medical expenses. The sad truth is, age is not a safe predictor to determine medical costs regarding to dog ownership. Dog expenses often come because of accidents, ingesting toxins or poisons or random incidents that sometimes associate to the age of the dog.
Just like humans, the majority of colds, virus and illness happen in early life. But it doesn’t mean that older dogs have no health related expenses. But if you are a good pet parent, you will find that your dog will provide a capable and loving companion for many, many years.
They need less patience, they are loyal, faithful and can easily adapt to their forever homes.
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