I’m a dog person, not just because of the protection that they have to offer but because of their loyalty, love and affection. I have a German shepherd and I call him Willy. He’s my best friend that I have ever had. Not only he listens to my problems and grievances but also offers counselling and deep insight into the unsolved mysteries of the universe though his melodious bark and waggling tail.

In Willy, I have found a great companion, a friend, a protector and a domestic helper as well. He not only fetches the newspaper every morning but also wakes me up way before my alarm clock does (and I sometimes despise him for it, but whoever has found a perfect companion, right?)
In the evenings when I come back to my house after 8 hours of hectic and back breaking routine, he’s just standing at the door waiting for me with this waggling tail and a mammoth smile on his face. That smile alone is sufficient enough for me to forget the sleep that I had fantasized about during my stay in the office and take him out for a walk (What a manipulative son of a bitch, right?). On our long evening walks, the weariness just wanes away slowly and his jubilant and playful attitude lightens me up.
Although we can’t speak each other’s languages, we have overcome this barrier by establishing a non-verbal and somewhat telepathic form of communication with each other. I don’t have to utter a word (or a bark in his case) to be aware of each other’s mood and feelings.
We pick each other’s non-verbal cues quite effectively and efficiently some of which include the crescendo of growling, different types of barks, tail waggling( and its frequency and direction, different frequency refer to different moods, mind you). He has this knack of recognizing my mood and reacting accordingly.
We have developed a very deep bond with each other that transcends all boundaries and I can’t even begin to imagine what a gloomy and messy life I would be living without this cheeky fellow besides me.
This post was written by a young student who prefers not to share her name. However, she has captured the animal-human bond so perfectly. Animals can sense our moods and long to comfort and console us in bad times. They also want to celebrate our victories by jumping, running and having fun with us.
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Judy Helm Wright is a Pet Grief Coach and author of best selling books on relationships, those with two legged and four legged friends.
Contact her at [email protected] to arrange for a coaching session.
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